Hey framily (friends & family)!
I hope and pray you enjoyed your Thanksgiving week with your friends and family. I'd love to hear all about it. Take a moment to comment on last week's post how you participated in our Thanksgiving Challenge.
I took some time and dug through my draft blogs and found this gem and decided to share it with you all this week. I pray it blesses you the way it has blessed me. It's always incredibly amazing to reflect back on times when we were in some not so good spaces and compare them to our now. Enjoy!
Circa 2020...
Something I cherish the most is transparency and if I'm being transparent, things this way have been all over the place. I wrote a little about my disconnect a few weeks ago and things didn't get much better, honesty. Today, I am writing from a place of darkness with a teeny tiny amount of hope (at least there's some right). Hope that when this season is said and done, I come out stronger than ever before.
So, about this bed! SMH! A few blogs back, I mentioned moving to a new state. Well, it's been a whole year and putting together my master bed has been an epic fail. Being the vibrant, extraordinary woman that I am. Of course, I have this HUGE elaborate bed that simply cannot be put together by me. I know you're probably wondering why I waited so long to hire a crew to come in and honestly, I pushed it off because I put my guest bed together just fine. There was no need to rush. Stay with me, there's a point here.
Finally, this week I decided that it had been long enough and it was time to take action and get this bed together. Never did I imagine the revelation I would receive doing so. If you've ever been in a dark place before, then you know how hard it can be to just keep going and get things done. However, this week I decided this was going to happen, no matter what.
Here I am kind of just sitting in my nothingness when I started to process what was happening in my house. As I sat and listened to the drill tighten the screws the more I started to understand what is happening in my life. Every screw (or situations) for that matter, has its purpose and the beauty is in the outcome. The more the screws and pieces are put together, the more the foundation comes to life that can actually hold the mattresses. It was in that moment I realized that I am becoming sturdier (stronger), and whole, so that I can get through what's to come. Because we all know that this won't be the last time in life I face any hardship or disappointment. But, if I don't get to place of wholeness now, I won't be able to handle my future.
My screws are all of the different moments and situations happening in my life. Though I don't always agree with them, they're needed. My foundation (me) can't stand without them. I can't fully become me without them.
Fast Forward to 2022...
Whew! Isn't it amazing how we can literally LEARN from anything. I'm not certain that I can pinpoint exactly what I was experiencing when I first drafted this blog back in 2020, but what I can tell you is that to date, I am MUCH stronger and wiser.
This week, take a moment to reflect on a time when things were dark and compare that moment to where you currently are.
Scripture: Colossians 1:17 (NIv)
"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."
Song: You hold it all together x Maverick City Music
...God of my present, God of my future (You write my story). You write my story (You hold), You hold it all together...
Rhonda Nikole
