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Rhonda Nikole

Thirty & Thriving

Circa 1990.

30 years ago today, God graced Earth with a 8lb little melanin girl! Wow! My mind still can’t grasp how quickly thirty has approached. Time has truly flown. My personal goal for this new year and new decade is simple. T H R I V E!

verb\ ˈthrīv \thrived or throve \ ˈthrōv \ ; thrivedalso thriv​en \ ˈthri-vən \ ; thriv​ing \ ˈthrī-viŋ \

intransitive ​verb

1: to grow vigorously: FLOURISH

2: to gain in wealth or possessions: PROSPER 3: to progress toward or realize a goaldespite or because of circumstances —often used with onthrives on conflict.

Thirty is my year to flourish & prosper into the woman God has called me to be! As I prepare for what’s ahead, it’s only right that I reflect on where I’ve been. I am grateful for every year of life, as each year has taught me valuable lessons. Here are a few (in no particular order).....

1. Trust God, Believe in God, Rely on God!

2. Forgiveness is essential for your growth.

3. Love is the greatest gift you could ever give.

4. Be present in the moment and make memories.

5. Boundaries are boundaries and no one is exempt.

6. There are different friendships for different seasons and that’s ok.

7. Tithe, save, budget, and live!

8. Make your body the sexiest outfit you own. Good things come to those who sweat. 9. Travel the world and see all that God has created.

10. There’s a lesson in every moment. Choose to learn from it.

11. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

12. Being the bigger person never gets old.

13. Smiles are contagious.

14. You aren’t aware of the amount of time you have on Earth. Use it wisely.

15. Tears are liquid prayers.

16. The sky isn’t the limit, it’s the starting point.

17. Don’t knock it before you try it.

18. Laughter is good for your mental well-being.

19. It’s okay to not be okay.

20. Experience isn’t always the best teacher. Learn from those around you too. 21. Never forsake the importance of Self-care.

22. Authentically be you, no matter what.

23. God knew your characteristics and traits before he gave you an assignment. So do it!

24. The only person you can change is you.

25. Believe actions over words (unless it’s the word of God, of course)

26. You can love God and trap music! Just don’t become consumed by trap music.

27. Obey the voice of God, someone’s life depends on what he has said to you.

28. Accept your God given gift no matter what your past looks like.

29. Selflessness is the best act of kindness.

30. You have something great to give to this world!

Cheers to thirty and thriving! 🧡✨🎊

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Rhonda Nikole
Jan 01, 2021

Awww!!! I pray you enjoy them all. 😆😆❤️


Jan 01, 2021

Why am I just discovering this beautiful creation!? I’m gonna have to go back to your post for day one, lol.


Rhonda Nikole
Jan 20, 2020

Do what God says! 💕


Jan 19, 2020

Wheeew #27 & #28!!! Happy Birthday Beautiful and may God continue to use you to be a blessing💜


Rhonda Nikole
Jan 09, 2020

Thank you, lovely! I’m so thankful for our relationship. I love you 💕

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