Fammmmmmmm! How are you all? I’ve missed you all SOOOOOOOOO much! Life managed to get way too busy BUT today I’m deciding to slow down, pause & write!
No more pushing it off, feeling like I can’t do it all or there isn’t enough time in the day. Because really the time is there, I just need to be more disciplined. I strongly believe that our Father didn’t provide me with this platform without giving me what I need to sustain it and keep it going. Death to the spirit of laziness & procrastination!
In the military, whenever Service Members go to the firing range to qualify on weapons there’s a range tower there. It’s the place where you’ll find a Senior Leader giving instructions over the tower mic.
Soldiers are not to go on the range, fire, come off the range or even touch their weapon without instructions from the tower. This is because the Senior Leader in the tower has experience and most importantly, they have an aerial view that only can be seen from the tower, that allows them to quickly identify danger.
In prayer this morning Daddy said so clearly, “Take all instructions from his tower!” We can trust his expertise. We can trust his faithfulness & goodness. We can trust his ability to cover and protect us from danger and more importantly we can trust his WORD! 😭🙌🏾
“Listen to my instruction and be wise. Don’t ignore it.” - Proverbs 8:33 NLT
Listen, I’m still WRECKED because that was a whole WORD! 👏🏾 I pray it blesses you, as it did for me this morning! Take good care of yourself, listen to the voice of our Father, have a fun filled weekend & I’ll connect with you again soon. 💕
Rhonda Nikole
YES and the Father rewards obedience!