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Rhonda Nikole

Peace that makes NO sense!

Hey there, my good people!

I'm sure you're like girl, what has taken you so long. It's Wednesday, you're a day late with our weekly dose of inspiration. LOL! Wellllllll....tis' the season to be BUSY! As we rapidly approach CHRIStmas and the end of the year, things have been crazy busy my way. BUT, I have finally taken a moment to share with you all what's been on my heart.

I honestly find it extremely beautiful that in the midst of things being shaken up in my life, I have been able to experience true peace. I was asked this week how I am taking things and how am I managing and the truth is, I'm NOT. There's no possible way I could keep myself calm and peaceful during a time when things seemingly are like a whirlwind around me.

Honestly, I'm grateful to have JESUS who stands beside me, goes before me and has all things in control. As cliche' as it may sound, it's HIS firm foundation, faithfulness, goodness, and strength that I am able to draw from. It's like I am standing in the middle of a tornado, yet I am as calm as a bright sunny summer day.

I was reminded this week that the more I fully TRUST heaven, the stronger I become. To be honest, it's taken me a while to get to this place, but I am GLAD that I've arrived to a place in my life where I can stand in the middle of a storm, smiling because I know and TRUST the creator of the storm.

How could we not trust the creator? That's like sitting in a chair and not trusting that it will hold us up. We see it put together so we don't second guess if it'll hold us. The same principle applies to our lives. As believers, we KNOW the creator of heaven and Earth, so how could we possibly second guess whether or not he has us in the palm of his hands in midst of the very things he created?

As I sat and listened to our song of the week, I was reminded that JESUS is our FIRM FOUNDATION. He's never failed us and NEVER WILL. The more I grow in Christ and journey through life, the more clarity I gain that JESUS is ALWAYS present with me. My only focus should be a deep relationship with him.

This week as you prepare for the CHRISTmas holiday, FOCUS on the Lord, not your problems or people. When we focus on him it's easy to live at peace. A bible plan devotional reminded me, "when God is the center of our focus, peace is GUARANTEED!"

Peace is yours, my dear friends, grab hold to it. I pray you have a very Merry CHRISTmas.

Scripture: John 16:33 (ERV)

..."I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have many troubles. But BE BRAVE! I have DEFEATED the world..."

Song: Firm Foundation x Maverick City Music ft. Chandler Moore & Cody Carnes

...rain came, wind blew, my house was built on YOU. I'm SAFE with you. I'm GONNA make it through, cause I'm standing on you...He's FAITHFUL through generations, so WHY would he fail now? HE WON'T fail!....


Rhonda Nikole


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