Happy November!
Wow! Just, wow! Just like that we are nearing the end of yet another year. I'm legit speechless. Time gotta slow down, for sure.
Earlier today, I took some time to think about how I wanted to close out the year and I found myself celebrating this month being NOvember through personal affirmations!
- NO more settling for less
- NO more choosing others over myself
- NO more accepting less than my Father's very best
- NO more overextending myself
- NO more excuses for toxic behavior or relationships
- NO more lowering my standards to make others feel better about themselves
- NO more shrinking back and hiding who I've been called to be
- NO more delay in obedience
- NO more second guessing what I hear from my Father
- NO more harboring un-forgiveness
- NO more lack of discipline
- NO more altering my boundaries
In the most graceful way, NO MORE! I also challenge you my friends to take a moment to write out your NOvember goals that'll help you be the very best version of yourselves. Know that I am rooting for you and cheering you on. You CAN do this!
"Say only 'yes' if you mean 'yes,' and say only 'no' if you mean 'no.' If you say more than that, it is from the evil one. Matthew 5:37 ERV
Okay (Acoustic) x Naomi Raine
...everyday I grind away, make the dream a reality, but every night I'm in a fight. Sleepin' grindin' my teeth. I try to pray, take it away. All the stress and the business, but I just can't stop saying yes...
Rhonda Nikole
This was such an encouragement for me. Thank you for sharing this. Love you coach 💕.
Great blog sis!!! I love it!!! This one felt personal to me!!! Thanks for being the AWESOME person God has called you to be!!! Love ya 💞😘