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Rhonda Nikole

Life's Good 😜

....It's cool, man, got red bottoms on. Life is good, you know what I mean? Like, Life's good. - Future

I know you're probably wondering why this week's blog is starting with a quote by Future, but honestly it's where I'm at and it's an excellent attention grabber LOL! I may not have red bottoms on as he stated, but LIFE is GOOD! During my devotional time this week I've been challenged to face prospective and proper labeling of my seasons. Now, I could look at all the things "I believe" are going wrong in my life and make a hundred excuses as to why life is hard etc., or I can choose to remember WHO I do life with.

Taking just one moment to remember that I do life with the Master of the Universe changes everything. It forces me to recognize and acknowledge that because he's good, I'm good. It's just that simple. It doesn't matter if things aren't how I want them to be or what I want my life to look like in this season. It doesn't matter if things aren't happening in my timing, life is STILL all good.

Life is good simply because as long as I am in the presence of God, I lack NOTHING. My fullness and everything there of is in God's goodness. Our history provides receipts that I can trust in him no matter what my eyes see. In fact, it's when I should trust him the most. It is in those very moments of blurred and distracted vision that my faith is strengthened.

It's July and family we have made it to quarter three. So much has transpired in the last six months that none of us could have ever imagined, but here we are. Still here. Still alive, still healthy, still progressing, still COVERED, and most of all, still GOOD.

How can you look at your situation and season differently this week? I challenge you to become so full of faith, hope, and joy that your light can't be dimmed. Perspective is everything and the moment we choose to change our way of thinking our entire world shifts.

In your free time take a listen to an old goody.

🎶 Jesus Promised by Chicago Mass Choir 🎶

...oh how wonderful it is. Jesus promised he'll take care of me. Oh how marvelous it is. Jesus promised he'll take care of me. I don't have to worry about the things ahead, all I have to do is live right and BELIEVE in what he says...

Scriptures of the week:

Psalm 34:8

Oh taste and see that the Lord is GOOD; blessed is the man who TRUSTS in him.

Psalm 23:6

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me ALL the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


Rhonda Nikole

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