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Rhonda Nikole

It's all GOOD!

Happy New Year !!! We made it! All praise to the most high God! As I took time to reflect on 2020, I was mind blown thinking about how great our God is. Our Father really worked it ALL for my good. Every twist, turn, up, down, hill, valley, mountain, tear, smile, challenge, trial, and tribulation, was all for my GOOD.

"And we know that God causes EVERYTHING to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." - Romans 8:28 NLT

Our Lord proved once again to be a man of his word! EVERYTHING I endured, "good or bad" worked together for my good! The Lord never left me, nor forsaked me. He made me strong and courageous, gave me hope and a future, assigned angels to protect me and blessed me immeasurably. I lived a life of abundance and received more faith, joy, peace, hope, forgiveness, patience, gentleness, self-control, and kindness.

As we move into 2021, I challenge you to HIDE his word in your heart, BELIEVE it, STAND on it and WATCH it be fulfilled. He is NOT a man that he can lie and if he said it, it is so!

Here is my charge for you this year! Connect with him daily, no matter what. If you're unsure how or just need a little inspiration, here are 21 ways to connect with our Father this year!

  1. Wake up early, before your home/family and start each day alone in prayer.

  2. Create a worship playlist to listen to daily.

  3. Serve and give back to the community. Pray about where to volunteer.

  4. Commit to fasting purposely at least twice a week.

  5. Choose one scripture to learn and memorize weekly.

  6. Study the different names of God.

  7. Affirm one scripture over yourself as a mid-day reminder of who you are in Christ.

  8. Text your loved ones a morning prayer on Mondays.

  9. Sit in silence with a worship instrumental playing over you for 15 minutes.

  10. Act on the still small voice you hear. Obey!

  11. Read the book Rooted by Banning Liebscher.

  12. Send voice note prayers to those God place on your heart.

  13. Write an open letter to God.

  14. Watch one faith-based movie once a month.

  15. Organize a friend or family prayer call.

  16. Download the Bible app and read at least 4 Bible plans a month.

  17. Connect with Kingdom Community - Join online church ministry programs.

  18. Study the books of the Bible.

  19. Listen to Christian Podcasts during your daily commutes.

  20. Get fully dressed for worship services on Sunday. Actively participate from home.

  21. Incorporate Bible learning games during family time. Create your own tradition.


Add this affirming song to your worship playlist. Start each day remembering that our Father is a man of his word!

Man of your Word x Maverick City Music ft. Chandler Moore & KJ Scriven

....Old chains are breakable, when we receive. Yahweh, you keep your promises. If you said it, we believe it. You're a man of your word....


Rhonda Nikole


Need a worship playlist? Check these out!

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Rhonda Nikole

ALL IN 2021! Let’s goooooooo 🙌🏾🙌🏾



Word for 2021 is ACHIEVEMENT. Mantra: don't surrender your peace!


Rhonda Nikole

Thank you soooooo much!!! It is an honor and privilege to share life alongside you. Thank you for answering the call and I can’t wait to hear all about how God transforms your life this year. I lovvvvve Maverick City, KLove, and Joyce Meyers. I’ve enjoyed her book “The Battlefield of the Mind” and I just finished her Bible app plan “Knowing your Enemy”. I dedicated the month of Dec to studying Proverbs and have gained so much wisdom and knowledge! Thank you again for connecting with me! I look forward to growing in Christ with you! 💕



What a beautiful blog! I’m so happy to subscribe and even more proud of you for such ingenuity! ...apparently I’m late to the party, lol. I gladly accept the challenge! And yes, I love the song Man of Your Word and even There Was Jesus Featuring Dolly Pardon. in my part of ‘Bama radio stations are limited but I am more than fulfilled by listening to KLove. Currently studying Hebrews and just started a new daily devotional of Who I Am in Christ, written by Joyce Myers. As Christians we must be intentional each and everyday living and studying the word. To whom much is given, much is required. Never ever forget that we serve a God who …


Rhonda Nikole

Amen! To God be the glory! Trust that he’ll reveal your word, soon! God bless you and thank you for your continued support! I love you 💕

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