Can I be honest for a minute? I literally have NO idea what I’m doing in this season! I feel like I’m going every which way with the Rhonda Nikole brand.
I offer inspirational t-shirts, VLOG on YouTube, post DAILY inspiration messages on Social Media, and now I’m blogging! Honestly, it feels like everything is whirling around me like a tornado while I’m in the middle of it all. Yet, I continue to write and continue to share the words I hear from God.
Even in the midst of all of this, my only concern is to obey. That’s the one thing I’m sure of in this moment. I’m being obedient to HIS voice! And if I’m being honest, it’s working, despite what my eyes see and how I feel. It’s working! Supporters are reading & his messages through me are touching the hearts they were designed for.
Whew, chile...
Soooooooooooo on target! His greatest fear is my success! ❤️
The enemy wants you to be distracted. resist his confusion and press!
Amen! Yes, so very true. 💕
I definitely can relate! I’m reminded of the image that shows God’s plan as being one with several turns and valleys to get us to where He needs us to be! Gee whiz! Even with all of the surprises, God’s way wins every time and to be in His will is our greatest prize!