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Rhonda Nikole

I Give Up

Whaddup, good people?

I'm back for the second week in a row. We just might be on to something. LOL. I hope you are all doing well and staying safe in the midst of Hurricane Ian. It's been crazy windy here in SC with an added down pour of rain, yet, today has been one of the most peaceful days I've had in a long time.

I enjoyed being able to rest and relax without any obligation to do anything extra. So, I honestly have no complaints.

This week I had a chance to read & study Mark 5 - about Jesus healing the woman with the issue of blood. I was legit blown away by how she received her healing. If you haven't read it, check it out.

One of the things that caught my attention was that her healing was immediate. Some versions even say suddenly - and that was a whole word for me!

I'm sure I am not alone when I say it's easy to get discouraged waiting on healing or a promise from God to come past. It's easy to forget how suddenly things can change in a moments time. It's easy to lose hope in the midst of time flying by. This woman was bleeding for a whole 12 years!! That's 12 whole years of waiting on the Lord. Yet, she didn't lose her faith. She still believed that if she could get to him, she would be healed.

This week I encourage you not to sleep on the SUDDENLY. Don't waver in your faith and don't you dare give up or in to the things happening around you. Your suddenly just might be on the way. Don't let time or a lie from enemy convince you that it's too late, you're too old, that child is too far gone, your life is too messed up. Whatever the too is, is a LIE.

In fact, things can change in a moments time because we know our heavenly Father to be an on time God. Don't believe me - check his stats in your life. Take a moment to remember and reflect on your journey and let me know if he did anything other than show up RIGHT ON TIME!


Rhonda Nikole



Mark 5:29 (NLT) "Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel in her body that she had been healed of her terrible condition."


Wait on You x Maverick City Music

...I'm gonna wait on you. I've tasted your goodness. I'll trust in your promise. I'm gonna wait on you....



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2 commentaires

13 oct. 2022

💜, girl You are healed by your faith. We are blessed according to the measure of our faith….think on that!! The man sitting by the well waiting to be healed…..the real gift is accepting by faith the will of the Father for our lives. THAT is the healing!!

Rhonda Nikole
08 nov. 2022
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In JESUS name!! ❤️❤️

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