Hey Friends! Happy Belated Thanksgiving! 🤣 Can I even say that? Lol! I missed all of you dearly last week and I had every intention to wish you all well on Thanksgiving, but I crashed!
So, I went on a 5 day vacation to Disney World and spent most of my time in the kitchen or at an amusement park. In fact, Thanksgiving Day I never changed out of my PJ’s. I cooked most of the morning and by the afternoon ya girl was knocked clean out. All it took was for me to sit and my body did the rest.
Did y’all catch that word? All it took was for me to sit and my body did the rest. Our relationship with God is so similar. He has so much he wants to do in our lives, but we get in his way by moving and doing the most. Have you ever thought about how much he’d say to us if we just sat?
Don’t stand in the way and miss your blessings in this season. Instead, take a moment to stop, sit and let God do his thing. 😘