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Rhonda Nikole

Dear Strong Friend

Hey Family! I pray that you all are still doing well in this COVID-19 season. My “sis” Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts dropped gems during last week’s activate message. I love to watch her because I’m reminded so much of myself when I see and hear her and of course she always bring forth a life-changing word! I thought I’d share with you this week some of her inspiration.

“ Dear Strong Friend,

I don’t need you to be strong with me. You can let me have all that pain and all those fears. ⁣

I didn’t create you to be a machine. I created you to feel. I know how hard it is holding all of that within. ⁣

I created you to be human. I created you to be real. ⁣

- God ⁣

P. S. In the end, we win.⁣ “

I can relate to this passage in so many ways. Being the “strong friend” often times it seems impossible to turn off the strength and be vulnerable. It’s hard to admit that you’re not feeling your best or that you just need time alone.

Yet, I’m reminded that God wants all of us, even the strength we so desperately try to hold onto when we are weak. Choose with me to give God all of your cares, pains, weaknesses, discomfort, fears, and sin. It’s okay to let go and let God. It’s okay to feel, fall, and be human. He intricately created us this way. We don’t have to be machines that know it all and do it all. If we were, there would be no need for him.

Meditate on this week’s scripture and song during your quiet time.

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭NLT‬

Run to the Father by Cody Carnes

🎶 I’ve carried a burden for too long on my own. I wasn’t created to bear it alone. I hear your invitation to let it all go. Yea, I see it now. I‘m laying it down. And I know that I need you. I run to the Father, I fall into grace. I’m done with the hiding, no reason to wait. My heart needs a surgeon. My soul needs a friend..... 🎶


Rhonda Nikole

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1 Comment

Apr 22, 2020

Aww Thank you👑❣

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