Happy Friday, my loves! CHRISTmas is literally TWO WEEKS away. Can you believe it? I sure can't! As we get closer to the day our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated, I challenge you to 12 days of CHRISTmas #FaithEdition. Beginning Sunday, December 13th I challenge you to the following:
Read Matthew 1 - Journal your takeaways
Share one takeaway verse from Matthew 1 with others via Social Media
Create a CHRISTmas inspired Worship Playlist and share it with others
Memorize three names of Jesus
Pray for those who are alone during the Holidays
Read Matthew 2 - Journal your takeaways
Share one takeaway verse from Matthew 2 with others via Text Message
Write one faith statement you're believing God for in 2021
Pay it Forward - Share your favorite scripture and why
Watch The Nativity Story
Write an end of the year reflection journal entry
Unplug! Rest and enjoy time alone or with family. - No Social Media
The only way we grow our faith is through consistent connection with our Lord. Each challenge above, prompts you to spend time with our Heavenly Father. As you commune with him over the next 12 days, be sure to write down all that takes place in your life. Journal your day, your thoughts, and how our Father speaks to you through each challenge. Share with others and build a community of faith. We weren't created to do life alone, so I also challenge you to join in with a friend.
Tis the season of giving. Through the lenses of the world, giving has monetary value, but through the lenses of our Heavenly Father, giving has FAITH value! I love you and can't wait to hear all about your life's changes at the end of this challenge.
Hebrews 11:6 TPT
"And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who passionately seek him."
While reflecting this week, take a listen to an old CHRISTmas gospel classic!
Emmanuel x Norman Hutchins
....Come, come let us adore him. Kneel down before him. Worship and adore him. Emmanuel....
Rhonda Nikole